Dharma and Planning
With Amy Abelson and Rebecca Barry
Saturday January 20, 2-5 PM
Not sure of what your calling is? Have you ever wondered about your dharma—the spiritually aligned work your soul was destined to do? Or, are you already pursuing your calling, but would like a plan to help make it more concrete? Come take our course! In this course, Dharma and Planning: Putting together a strategic plan for a creatively aligned, soul driven 2018, we will use inquiry, contemplation, and meditative techniques to explore and uncover our own dharma, or “righteous work,” “thing your soul came here to do.” From there we will make a plan to create a more soul-aligned work, home, and family life in 2018. What fun! How exciting! 2018 will be an excellent year!
We will also explore ways that you can bring more of your dharma into the work that you’re already doing to make it more vibrant and fulfilling to your soul.
Cost: $40 by January 15 $50 at the door