A Chakra Workshop Series combining Energy Healing and Shamanic Drumming

With Jaclyn Eisman & Anne Sierigk

Sep 6, Oct 4, & Nov 1

Meditation Background

These classes are an opportunity to explore your own chakras, soul, and body in a deep way using shamanic journey and meditation as a pathway to realize more understanding of yourself.

Each class will include discourse on the chakras and patterns we seek to explore; meditation to help relax your mind and open to your soul and innate ability to heal; and shamanic drumming to more deeply open to healing from your spirit guides and higher self. There will also be time for discussion and integration.

Shamanic drumming and journey can be a powerful tool to help bypass the mind and open to the powerful insights and healing from your soul. This may look like a gentle meditation, you may receive visions or verbal messages, you may find yourself wrestling with the parts of you that come to the surface for healing, you may begin on a path and let your soul take a journey in the spiritual realms, or a guide may come to offer you healing or guidance. In this safe environment we open a space for you to connect more fully with your soul and energy system to invite the healing and awareness you need at this time to continue to become more aligned with your true self.

Class One (Sep 6): A Journey to the Root and Sacral Chakra: Healing Ancestral Patterns.

We will talk about and explore the themes and energies of the first two chakras, invite in all of our beneficial ancestors to help us explore and heal the ancestral patterns that do not serve us, as well as opening to the deeper wisdom and gifts our ancestors can bring us.

Class Two (Oct 4): A journey to the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra: Exploring Self-Acceptance and Self-Love

We will learn about the themes, strengths and weaknesses of the third and fourth chakras. We will journey and have an opportunity to explore the parts of us that need healing so we can more fully accept and love ourselves in this incarnation on the planet.

Class Three (Nov 1): A journey to the throat, 6th and 7th Chakras: Exploring your connection to Spirit, Intuition, and your True Voice

We will learn about themes, strengths and weaknesses of the 5th, 6th, and 7thchakras. This journey will open to our higher self to connect more with our spirit guides, our true sight, and our true voice. We will allow space to be aware of and clear any blockages in these chakras.

$50 for one class, $125 for all 3 with preregistration or $60 drop in fee.

Bring a journal, comfy clothes, and a willingness to heal.

Chakra Series