Energy 101
Saturday October 15
2-5 PM

Cost: $50
Jaclyn Eisman (formerly Loberg- she got married!) has been practicing and studying energy
healing modalities for 14 years with an emphasis on the clearing and healing of imbalances in the physical body and chakras. Initially trained as a massage therapist at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, AZ, she continued her energy studies at the Pennsylvania School of Spiritual Healing. She has studied shamanism and plant spirit medicine in Ecuador and is a Certified Herbalists studying under 7song and Rosemary Gladstar. She now has a private practice in Lodi, NY doing energy healing for clients and teaching energy and chakra workshops for beginners and more advanced students who wish to incorporate energy healing into their work. Her commitment is to help people align more fully, body and soul, and manifest their true path on this planet.