Spring Time Work Party

Friday May 13, 4-8 PM


FirstSnow35Want to play in the garden at Lakshmi with us? We would love to welcome Spring by waking up our gardens with a little tending and continuing care. We also want to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of our land with the community as much as we can. Because we want to party more than we want to work, we’ve made a schedule so that we can be efficient with our time, and have lots of fun! If you can’t make it by 4:30 to be assigned a task, please feel free to join us for the potluck after!

Bring a dish to pass, your work gloves and some loppers of you have them!



4-4:30 Sara will be leading a Somatic exercise to prep us for working in the garden in an enjoyable way.

4:30-6 WORK! We will have 3 main teams and you can sign up for different jobs below.

6-8 potluck, music, dancing, fire, FUN!


Team mulch- we’ll need a few volunteers to help spread the remainder of our mulch pile. (3-4)

Team brush- we’ll need as many volunteers as we can get to help us clear the brush out of the garden beds and paths.

Team garbage pick up- we’ll need a few volunteers to walk the land and through the woods to pick up trash (5-6)


Please let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you there!