Lakshmi Wheel of the Year
Embody and navigate ancient memories in modern times…
Ritual invokes the sacred, restores balance, and ignites our innermost wisdom embarking on the soul’s journey to inner harmony, wholeness and purpose. Through ritual, we are able to amplify and activate healing & positive change into the world.
We will gather for Spring Equinox on Friday March 20 6-8pm
Join us for a meditation and honoring of the Equinox as a group. We’ll then journey outside, light a fire, setting our intentions for the coming Spring into the fire and follow with sharing food. Please bring a dish to share.
We gather to celebrate together!
As the light of the days lengthen we feel a natural urge to spring forth from the inner terrain of winter. Let us honor this rich time of year, and with that honor what has been growing in our bellies during the creative, introspective time. We are halfway to the longest day of the year. By taking the time to pause, to gather our energy, acknowledge what we intend to birth in this next cycle and to honor the magnificent power of the relationship between the Sun and Earth, we remain connected to ourSelves. Through this we will be more supported in a grounded experience of Spring and the lengthening of the days.
We’ve been gathering to celebrate the Wheel of the Year holy days for all of 2019 and are so grateful for this experience, we will update this page with the 2020 dates for the Holy Days and may gather for some of them but not all, please check back for more information and we encourage you to know the dates and to be in tune with these cycles of nature, there is so much to be learned from tuning in with the Earth in this way. Thank you to all who have gathered with us, we’ll be in touch!
2018-2019 Dates we gathered for:
Samhein: Wed. 10/31 6-8pm, by donation – Samhein in many cultures is considered the beginning of the year. Honoring our ancestors when the veil is thin, learn to receive guidance and insight from those who have gone before us and setting heart and mind to the upcoming year. Take a breath, go in and honor the potency of the dark part of the year.
Winter Solstice: Sat. 12/22 3-5pm – full moon – Winter Solstice is one of the most powerful times to go inward and connect to the teachings and to the Self.
The sun stands still for 3 days. The Wheel stops and starts again. The sun is reborn. From Samhein to Winter Solstice, the season has been deepening into the cave of silence and the stillness that is winter. The life force energy of nature has retreated into the womb of the earth herself, fertilizing the seeds of last years harvest. At the Winter Solstice, we experience both the return of the sun and the renewal of the dreams that have been sleeping in our bellies.
Join Anne, Julie, Lissa and Denise for a walking fire / drumming meditation and indoor drumming and guided meditation for rebirth, renewal and rejoicing.
Imbolc: Fri. 2/1 Imbolc is a sacred time to spend with Self. Take the time to silently welcome this gateway of time halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Imbolc is the time to nurture the newness of our dreams by holding them close. Light a candle, light a fire and renew your visions and dreams while they are beginning to awaken.
Spring Equinox: Wednesday 3/20 6pm for celebration, at the Spring Equinox, the fortitude of masculine and the receptivity of feminine comes into rare balance, and with it; illumination and enthusiasm. The forces of nature are always in harmony, but only twice a year are they in genuine balance offering deep medicine after the long dark cold winter’s sleep. Join us for the Lakshmi celebrations Wednesday, March 20th 6-8 pm for the inherent sense of ecstasy that comes when this balance of opposites manifests, and the mystery of Resurrection reveals itself. We’ll pause and notice what’s awakening and birthing from the Earth and from ourselves.
Beltane: Wed. 5/1 – Honoring this sacred day with ancient ceremony that applies to our daily lives.
Beltane is the longest celebrated holy day on the Wheel of the Year. It sits directly across from Samhein in late October/early November, we again find the veil between the physical and spirit world to be thin, a magical time when Faeries walk in our world and our ancestors are more accessible.
Beltane is a fire holiday, often celebrated with bonfires of purification honoring the beauty of spring. It is the gateway to summer as the light and warmth of the sun return, gaining strength and vibrancy asking the earth to bloom! It is a time of virility and passion.
We encourage you, in the coming days, and on May 1 to tune into these energies of this cross quarter holy day, to ignite passion and fertility in your own life. Light a fire, take time to pause, and listen, as the earth comes alive.
The light of summer solstice illuminates all the things in life that we love. It illuminates our inner world, our inner wisdom and leads us to Self knowledge. During this time, we can bridge our inner and outer worlds and find motivation to walk with integrity and take action on behalf of ourselves and our values. Summer Solstice is a fire festival that celebrates all that we have in our lives. In recognition of our abundance we are able to let go of that which we no longer need and experience supreme peace through the full expression of opposites of the solstices.
We are gathering for the 2019 Winter Solstice on Friday December 20 5:30-7:30pm, please join us! We’ll start inside with some meditation/journeying, honoring of the Holy Day and then we’ll move outside for some fire ritual, a perfect way to warm yourself on the darkest day of the year! We’re excited to be joined by Anne Sierigk for the drum journey and Roberta Norman will join us with for card readings!
The sun stands still for 3 days. The Wheel stops and starts again. The sun is reborn. From Samhein to Winter Solstice, the season has been deepening into the cave of silence and the stillness that is winter. The life force energy of nature has retreated into the womb of the earth herself, fertilizing the seeds of last years harvest. At the Winter Solstice, we experience both the return of the sun and the renewal of the dreams that have been sleeping in our bellies.
As you prepare for Solstice we have a few questions for contemplation that also honor that we are entering a new decade, please join us in reviewing the last decade and preparing for the upcoming one with these contemplations/reflections:
-What wisdom have you gained in the last decade?
-What have been the biggest game changers for you, in leading you in a new direction or confirming you are on the right track?
-When do you remember receiving the biggest hits of the heart, those moments that cracked you open, stopped you in your tracks?
-What seeds of intention are you planting for the coming decade?