To sit with ourselves, our discomforts, our shadows, our light, our pain, our breath… of great value. To be able to show up and do the work of dismantling racism and injustice in the public realm we must have worked with ourSelves, there is a connection and balance between the inner and the outer work. We cannot know how to question others, how to support others, how to work with others until we have questioned, supported and worked with ourSelves in regards to our own racism and our own experiences. Our practices require us to sit in the discomfort, to stay there, to notice how our breath can support us in moving through the difficult emotions, to notice how our nervous system reacts. The practices we share at Lakshmi Living Arts are meant to guide us, to support us, to foster our self-love, to ground us in being able to show up and do the work that we are called to do.

We ourselves are moving between inner and outer work, being with the discomforts of our own racism and looking at our privilege, while honoring that we are divine beings, while being compassionate with ourselves, while gently quieting the negative inner conversation that can consume our minds, and then showing up at rallies, making donations, writing legislators, having uncomfortable conversation with family members and friends…the work is vast and it will last our lifetimes.  We hope you have the tools you need, the resources that will best support you, if you are seeking something please feel free to reply to this email and we will gladly share resources we are finding supportive at this time. We do not want to assume you are not finding them on your own or overload you with more, there are so many individuals and organizations sharing so much right now.

We encourage you to join us in the coming days and weeks for one or more of the offerings shared here. All donations/fees that Lakshmi receives in the next two weeks will be donated to Black Lives Matter.

With love and compassion for the divine being that you are,
Amy, Lissa & Jess