With Amy Abelson
Thursdays 5:30-8:30 PM October 18 & 25
The Yoga Spandakarika is one of the important texts of Kashmir Shaivism. Spanda means pulsation and Karika means stanzas. These verses address the philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism as well as the literal physical pulsation that is in every part of the universe.
We will use Dharana (centering exercises), Visualization, Contemplation, Dialogue as well as movement, to not only study this text, but to bring it alive within us.
Come to one or both sessions
$65 early bird special for both sessions (by Oct 11) $75 both sessions after Oct 11
$40 early bird special per class / $45 at door / week before
- Oct 18 (early bird ends Oct 11)
- Nov 25 (early bird ends Oct 18)